स्वास्थ्य हेतु लाजवाब मनभावन शरबत
मुनक्कों का शरबत सामग्री ः 15-20 मुनक्का, 1 नींबू, आधा चम्मच शहद, तीन गिलास पानी। विधि ः मुनक्कों को रातभर पानी में भिगोकर रख दें। फिर उनके
Celebrating 25 years, Sampurna Swasthya has led the way in holistic well-being, recognizing the unity of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. We empower individuals to lead their own healing journeys and nurture a community focused on thriving. With deep roots and a passionate drive, we continue to guide individuals towards Sampurna Swasthya’s transformative vision.
Find deep, holistic healing for your mind, body, and spirit.
Strengthen your core health foundations with our holistic approach, ensuring a balanced and robust life.
Witness a profound transformation in your physical, mental, and spiritual health with our expert guidance.
Click on the button below to know more about the programs
Join us for a 5-day residential retreat at MaNaN Ashram and uncover your inner glow! Experience holistic healing with Ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. Detoxify your body, relax your mind, and ignite your spirit. Explore Sampurna Swasthya – your path to inner peace.
Energize your mornings or relax in the evenings with our guided yoga sessions. Explore revitalizing sequences and peaceful stretches tailored to enhance your well-being. Embrace a healthier lifestyle with us!
Energize Your Days, Relax Your Evenings, Join Us! Dive into your inner yogi with our complimentary challenge. Enjoy energizing mornings, tranquil evenings, expert guidance, and a supportive community. Sign up now and flow into well-being!
Master the art and science of breathing! This 6-day workshop blends powerful techniques, yoga with pranayama, and creative exercises to purify your body & mind, boost energy, reduce stress, and find inner peace. Inhale transformation, exhale stress. Sign up and breathe your way to a healthier, happier you!
Experience the life-changing power of ancient powerful techniques to achieve a happier, healthier you.
Strengthen, align, and revitalize your spine with targeted exercises, restorative yoga, Ayurveda wisdom, and mindfulness. Reduce pain, improve mobility, and reclaim your well-being. Sign up and move towards a healthier, happier you!
Click on the button below to know more about the programs
We believe true well-being is a masterpiece crafted from the harmonious interplay of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. For 25 years, we’ve been dedicated to helping individuals compose their unique wellness symphonies. We don’t offer one-size-fits-all solutions; instead, we guide you on a personalized journey to wholeness.
Optimize your body with tailored fitness and wellness programs.
Cultivate inner peace and emotional resilience through personalized guidance.
Achieve financial well-being with expert support and resources.
Deepen your connection to self and something greater through personalized practices.
Thrive in supportive communities and meaningful relationships.
मुनक्कों का शरबत सामग्री ः 15-20 मुनक्का, 1 नींबू, आधा चम्मच शहद, तीन गिलास पानी। विधि ः मुनक्कों को रातभर पानी में भिगोकर रख दें। फिर उनके
दही पोहा सामग्री ः 2 कटोरी मोटा पोहा, आधी कटोरी दही, नमक, स्वादानुसार गुड़ का चूरा, चुटकीभर जीरा पाउडर और हरा धनिया। कृति ः पोहा को धो
छाछ नियमित रूप से छाछ का सेवन करनेवाला व्यक्ति रोग-व्याधियों से मुक्त रहता है। इतना ही नहीं, छाछ सेवन के कारण ठीक हुई व्याधि पुनः
“The way to a man’s heart passes through his stomach” अशी एक म्हण इंग्रजीतून आहे. माणसाच्या हृदयाकडे जाण्याचा मार्ग त्याच्या पोटातून जातो. म्हणजे एखाद्याला चांगलचुंगलं
किडनी म्हणजेच मूत्रपिंड, हा आपल्या शरीरातील एक अत्यंत महत्त्वाचा अवयव आहे. आपला जन्म झाल्यापासून अखंड, अविरतपणे त्यांचं काम सुरू असतं. भूक लागली की आपल्याला समजतं;
ज़्यादातर आहार द्वारा ही रोग की उत्पत्ति होती है और सही आहार के सेवन से हम इससे मुक्त भी हो सकते हैं। रोग से बचने