Food should not be thought of only from the survival point of view but the nutrition content of the food is also important because it supports life. Without a proper diet, malnutrition sets in due to lack of nutrients in food.

Humans require the same nutrients throughout their lifespan. The amount of specific nutrients varies at different stages in the life cycle and varies according to gender, activity level and growth. Certain health condition and diseases similarly alter nutritional requirement.


Infants usually double their length and triple their weight between birth and 1 year of age. Breast milk generally supplies a baby with the required amount of nutrients, fluids and energy up to about 6 months of age. Wherever possible, breast milk is preferred to formula, as it contains many protective and immunological factors that benefit the baby’s development.
Breast milk or correctly prepared infant formula provides enough water for a healthy infant to replace any water losses. However, all infants need extra water once solid foods are introduced.


Solids should be introduced around 6 months of age. Different societies have their own traditions about which food is more appropriate to start with. Culturally appropriate foods and preparation methods should be encouraged when these are nutritionally adequate.
As a baby is gradually weaned from the breast or bottle and new solids are introduced, there may be reduced body stores of iron.

To maintain nutrient body stores

Start the weaning with iron-enriched malted rice based cereals or formulas. With this there is the additional benefit of a lower risk of an allergic reaction.
Fruits and vegetables should be introduced after the cereals. They are important for vitamin and mineral content and to introduce new textures, tastes and colours.

  • Meat, poultry, fish and whole eggs are generally introduced last.
  • Adding salt or sugar to your baby’s food is unnecessary.
  • Avoid cow’s milk as the main drink in the first 12 months.
  • Introduce foods one at a time. Offer new foods once every 3-4 days to avoid confusion and to rule out food allergy and sensitivity.
  • Feed babies during illness and feed up after illness. Give ample liquids if your baby has diarrhoea.
  • Occasional exposure of skin to sunlight is usually enough to fulfill a baby’s vitamin D requirements but this does vary from season to season and with skin colour.


Once a child is eating solids, offer a wide range of foods to ensure adequate nutrition. Young children are often picky with food but should be encouraged to eat a wide variety of foods.
During childhood, children tend to vary their food intake (spontaneously) to match their growth patterns. Children’s food needs vary widely, depending on their growth and level of physical activity. Like energy needs, a child’s need for protein, vitamins and minerals increases with age. Ideally, children should be accumulating stores of nutrients in preparation for the rapid growth spurt experienced during adolescence.
Food-related problems for young children include overweight, obesity, tooth decay and food sensitivities.

Recommendations include

  • If a child is gaining inappropriate weight for growth, limit energy-dense, nutrient-poor snack food. Increase your child’s physical activity. You could also limit the amount of television watching. It’s never too early to begin a healthy, balanced diet. Along with regular exercise, eating well is the best start any child can have in life.
  • Tooth decay can be prevented with regular brushing and visits to the dentists. Avoid sugary foods especially if sticky or acidic.
  • Ensure your child has enough fluids, especially water.


Snacking can be a healthy way for young children to get the nourishment they need during the day. With small stomachs and high energy levels, ‘little and often’ is often the best way.

Importance of breakfast

A proper breakfast before school makes all the difference to their energy and concentration levels.

Healthy packed lunch tips

Packed lunches can be healthy kids’ meal, nutritionally balanced and tasty too!


Rapid growth during puberty demands adequate calories, protein, calcium and vitamin D. The onset of menstruation and additional mass in boys augments iron requirements. Sexual maturation increases the importance of zinc. Preteens need even higher calorie levels, up to 3200 calories for highly active boys.

Recommendations include

  • The extra energy required for growth and physical activity needs to be obtained from foods that also provide nutrients instead of just ‘empty calories’.
  • Takeaway and fast foods need to be balanced with nutrient- dense foods such as wholegrain breads and cereals, fruits, legumes, nuts, vegetables, fish and lean meat. Dairy products should be included to boost calcium intake; this is especially important for growing bones.
  • Salt: Too much salt intake which comes with convenient processed and junk food can lead to problems in later life.

The good eating habits they learn in their early years will help reduce their risk of heart disease, diabetes and even cancer.


Moving away from home, starting work or study, and the changing lifestyle that accompanies the late teens and early 20s can cause dietary changes that are not always conducive to good health.

Recommendations include

  • Make a deliberate effort to keep physically active.
  • Limit alcohol intake.
  • Reduce the amount of fats and salts in the daily diet.
  • Be careful to include foods rich in iron and calcium.
  • Establish healthy eating habits that will be carried on into later life.


  • Aims at chronic disease prevention.
  • Good nutrition contributes to prevention of ailments like osteoporosis, heart disease, obesity, cancer.

Dr. Geeta Dharmatti
M.Sc., Ph.D., Chief Dietician

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